Friday, February 13, 2009

The Rules are simple.
Use google,etc to search for the answers to the questions below.
then you must choose a picture in the first page of result and post it as your answer.

the age of my next birthday
actually i type 22 but dono why dis pic came out..haha :)

a place i like to travel

venice..i LOVE..

a favorite place

favorite food

the nickname i hadlulu..apekah?

a favorite color

the city I live in
cantik kan?

the city i was born insame..hehe

college major

name of my love

bad habit

wish list

my wish is for someone to make a love song for me..cairrrrrrrr..oh sweetness

1 comment:

Miss Devilicious said...

hahaha suka mkn cili ke. dasat2. lulu? haha mana dtg. tp kan plg x faham name of my love. hahaha XD